A hearty welcome to those who enter our website for the first time.
Who are we and what do we do?
We at GC&P are specialists for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. We strongly believe that SMEs are the bedrock of Italian and European economy and we are convinced that only if SMEs can grow in the future Italy and Europe will remain among the greatest economic powers of the world.
But this growth will be possible only if SMEs are excellent.
In order to allow SMES to become excellent we make available to them the competencies, the experience and the passion of our professionals.
First of all we support our clients to create organizations that are “Lean and Green” in every areas and under every aspects: not only in the production area, but also in product development, logistics and office work. Becoming lean and green means improve efficiency, eliminate every form of waste, improve customer service and, at the same time, pay attention to environmental preservation.
As companies are made first of all of people we support them to empower their human resources or in other words to create a good climate, to motivate and involve people, to make them the protagonists of the company’s life and success.
Nowadays a company that wants to be successful must be present in the global market. For our part we help them to define effective strategies of development in foreign markets and to implement these strategies. We can do so thanks to our expertise and to the network of qualified partners we have in different countries and different continents.
In order to remain excellent a company must pursue continuous improvement and this requires a continuous study and learning of the new methods and techniques of management.
Nord(b)Est is our initiative to promote the development of managerial culture through courses, seminars, books, articles and awards granted to excellent projects and publications.
If a company wants to remain excellent it must launch change projects and this involves investments. In order to help our clients to reduce the impact of these investments, we support them to find public funds at the regional, national and international level and we help them to carry out the burdensome paper work needed to apply for these funds.
In a nutshell this is who we are and what we do. Our website is an open book through which you can get acquainted with our work and our people. Our consultants are at your disposal for any further information or explanations.
Welcome again to GC&P’s world!