Do you already know how to get incentives and funds made available by European, national and regional Institutions for small and medium companies?
These funds can reduce the level of investment needed to achieve some fundamental objectives like innovation development, process improvement, environmental impact reduction, human resources empowerment and penetration in new markets in Italy and abroad.
Working with GC&P it is possible to understand and to abide by the rules and regulations of the complex world of public funding. We support our clients in every phase of the process: application, project management and final reporting in all kind of funds (FSE, FESR, Interprofessional Funds, European Funds etc.).
These public funds can be used to reduce the costs of our consulting projects.
GC&P is also a firm accredited by Regione Veneto as a provider of continuous training and by Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (MISE) as a provider of “Temporary Export Management”.