Strategic marketing

Marketing Strategico

«Marketing is the beating heart of a business. Without a clear identification of objectives, a strategic action plan and a correct implementation process the only possibility is to stay afloat day by day.»

Matteo Miotto
Marketing and Business Development Senior Consultant

Marketing is the name we give to the activities that a company carries out to achieve its objectives through customer satisfaction. As a consequence, Marketing cannot and should not be seen as a separate discipline but something that concerns all aspects of a company life.

It is for this reason that in GC&P Marketing is always seen in a Lean logic, or in other words as one of the processes that must become efficient and effective and support the Lean Transformation.

Lean Marketing is the preliminary step in a Lean transformation: what we call “product conception”.

With its methods of market analysis and its dialogue with customers and salespeople, Marketing is fundamental for the choice of the products with which to compete in the market.

The company must define medium and long- term objectives and plan the actions needed to achieve these objectives.

This means to devise a commercial offer in line with market expectations, to define and plan a communication strategy and to set up an effective sales network.

As Lean Transformation is based on the principle of continuous improvement, Marketing must be an integral part of this process and provide innovative ideas and concepts for a continuous improvement of the company’s competitiveness.

Strategic Marketing can produce many important benefits. Here are a few of them.

Better product selection: instead of launching many products hoping that some of them might be successful, it is advisable to select only those that are more likely to be successful according to the opinions of all company’s functions.

More sales: production capacity freed by Lean transformation is turned into more revenues.

More profits: the improved quality of products and services, the reduction of costs and waste bring about an increase in unit profit and this, together with the increase in sales, produces an increase in the company’s profit.

Continued competitiveness: continuous improvement and waste elimination allow the company to remain competitive and successful.

An effective marketing plan is essential for the development of your business. GC&P can help you to define and implement your marketing and communication strategy with consulting services tailored for your company.

In our blog we provide important examples of what we have done in the past few years and what we are doing at present to help small and medium sized companies to develop their business.


GC&P proposes seminars and workshops on many important issues such as: how to define a successful sales strategy, how to plan successful marketing actions, what tools to select and how to use them in order to maximize the return (ROI) on one’s marketing actions.



Our consultants can carry out an accurate analysis of the Marketing area and identify possible improvement actions. We can also support our clients in the implementation of our proposals concerning the selection and motivation of salespeople, market analyses, communication plans and development in foreign countries.


Temporary Management

If a company needs a person to manage its marketing area on a temporary basis we can ensure the presence of one of our experts for an agreed period of time in order both to manage the area and to identify and train the person to whom the responsibility of the function will be assigned in the future.

Our experts

Chief Executive Officer
Senior Expert for Change Management
Senior Expert for Marketing and for Business Development
Marketing and Communication Manager
Senior Expert for Business Development
Senior Expert for Business Development