DGR 869 del 04/06/2013 “RILANCIARE L’IMPRESA VENETA”, the companies with the partnership of GC&P

DGR 869 del 04/06/2013 “RILANCIARE L’IMPRESA VENETA”, the companies with the partnership of GC&P

Here are the companies involved in ESF project: POR FSE 2007-2013 – Fondo Sociale Europeo in sinergia con il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo – Asse I – Adattabilità – DGR 869 del 04/06/2013 “RILANCIARE L’IMPRESA VENETA”, with the partnership of GC&P:

– Colortech, with the project: “How to increase product diversification, management capabilities and efficiency”;

– Carrozzeria Conzato S.r.l., with the project: “Monitoring and improving performances applying lean techniques”;

– Cartimballo S.p.a., with the project: “How to improve competitiveness through a lean transformation process”;

– Garsport S.p.a., with the project: “How to improve competitiveness through advanced marketing techniques, new information systems and strategic planning”;

– De Marchi Sport S.r.l., with the project: “How to develop business and plan an internationalization project”;

– Effedue S.r.l., with the project: “Reorganising the company in order to increase customer value ”;

– Tosingraf S.r.l., with the project: “Financial, economic and performance planning and control systems in line with the principles of Lean Thinking”;

– F.lli Ferrari Ventilatori Industriali S.p.a., with the project: “New competences needed to make the company leaner from Product Development to Sales”;

– Perigeo S.r.l., with the project: “Marketing strategies and communication tools for sales development”.
