“Lean & Green Production”: The Perugia Convention

Reducing waste to improve competitiveness: a change in organization can make the company more efficient and reduce the use of resources. “Lean Thinking”, an approach developed by Toyota with the purpose to “do more with less”, in its modern version renamed “Lean and Green” has become a resolute struggle against all kind of waste: not only scraps and refuse but also people’s time, space, energy, emissions.

Lean & Green”, is the theme of the convention that will be held on Thursday, January 22 (from 9.30 to 13.00) at the premises of Associazione degli Industriali di Perugia, via Palermo 80. The convention has been organized by GC&P, a consulting company with headquarter in Asolo (Treviso) and by Fondazione and Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Perugia.

Nicola Gianesin (CEO of GC&P) and Viviana Salieri, GC&P expert consultant in Lean & Green methods and environmental problems, will present the main principles of the Lean and Green Approach and the so called “tool box”, a set of practical tools that can be applied in all kind of companies.

Paolo Moscati, Operations Manager of Monini Spa, a well known company that is applying the Lean approach with excellent results, will talk about his experience.

The meeting is open and free and is designed for Entrepreneurs, General Managers, Operations Managers, and is part of the activities of the Order.

Registered Engineers will get three training credits.

For further details click here!
