Ross Maynard talks about the new edition of the LA Master Class


Ross Maynard tells us about our 2011 edition of Lean Accounting Master Class.

Ross, what can you tell us about this new edition of Lean Accounting Master Class? Is there anything new compared to our previous editions?

Our Master Class is something well tested in scores of editions throughout the world. It is a good mix of theory and practice. This year we will put the emphasis on a number of real cases from which I think there is much to be learned. We may add an exercise about improving finance processes – for example accounts payable.

What will be the main themes of the M.C.? ?

After an introduction on the concepts of LA, we will concentrate on the seven “pillars” or tools of LA then we will make many exercises and we will work on real cases. The last part of the MC will be devoted to the description of an implementation road map in order to show our participants how to apply LA in their companies.

Who can be interested in the M.C.? ?

Our Master Class is not directed only to people from Accounting, but can be of great interest also for Operations Managers, Information Systems Managers and Sales and Marketing Managers. It is a useful opportunity to understand the point of view and the needs of persons with different roles and experiences.

Why a manager should devote part of his precious time to our M. C.?

I could mention various motives but two of them seem to me of particular importance. The first is that lean concepts and methods do not apply only to production but to all areas including Accounting because a company is a unity and must become lean everywhere and under every aspect. The second motive is that Lean Accounting is a very useful tool for everybody in the company because it provides the information needed to measure the results of a lean transformation.
